MOBOTIX M24 Solaris faststream.jpg - Parameter Overview

Example: faststream.jpg?stream=full&fps=1.0

Parameter=Default Values Explanation
help   Help
This overview.
stream=full full
Stream Type
Image data in stream:
full: full JPEG images
mxg: MxPEG Clipfile; not server push
needlength   Need Content-Length
Send HTTP content-length for every frame in server push stream.
Note: This option is not useful for browsers.
fps=0.2  Escaped string Frames per Second
Frame rate of streamed images:
e.g. '3.0' streaming with 3 frames per second. Set to 0 for maximum frame rate.
iframerefresh=0 0..60 Seconds between new I-frames
I-frame interval in seconds.
0: turn off
Note: Using this option disables jpheaderrefresh and jpheaderupdate.
jpheaderupdate=0 0..1000 Frames between tables refreshs
Table refresh count. 0: off, 1: every frame, 2: every second frame, ...
jpheaderrefresh=10 0..60 Seconds between table refreshs
Table refresh time. 0: off, 1: every second, 2: every second second, ...
framecount=0 0.. Frame Counter
Amount of images delivered before stream stops (0=infinite).
fip=  Escaped string Factory IP
Will only deliver an image if the camera has this factory IP address.
error=picture picture
Error Handling
Sets the error handling options in case no image is available:
picture: returns the "No frame available!" image
empty: returns nothing
content: returns only the content type
current: returns the current.jpg image
html   HTML Page With Stream
Output HTML page including stream.
preview   Preview Mode
Display image in the format given by the parameter size. It may be smaller to keep the aspect ratio.
size=  Escaped string Image Size
Enter the desired image size in format [width]x[height].
Only available if the parameter preview is specified.
quality=60 10..90 JPEG Quality
Enter the desired JPEG quality.
Only available if the parameter preview is specified.